November 13th, 2007 - Barcelona

Hidden Roman Treasures

Some days are simply made for rest and today was one of those days. Cynthia and I hung around the house for the morning and then headed into the city to explore her secret Roman find, which many of the locals don’t even know exits.

(Its not this carved mural but it is in close physical proximity.)

Very near to the old cathedral and down a slim side alley is a stone arch entranceway. If you didn’t know any better, it would be easy to assume the doorway led to a private residence.

But, through the arch and to the right are Roman pillars standing in the narrow courtyard of an apartment building. In fact, one of the cross pieces is fashioned right into the modern complex.

The pillar footings were elevated about six feet above the sunken floor level. The tight confines really made us wonder why the apartment was build in such close proximity or if the temple pillars were raised post construction?

As we wandered by the cathedral, a cute little girl inadvertently teased geese with the end of her bread stick, while she nibbled on the other end. She had the undivided attention of the flock.

Afterwards, we headed to Rainer’s office, where Cynthia taught English for an hour and then we all headed to a favorite Italian neighborhood restaurant for the ravioli special.

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